Polina Kuzhir, PhD, 2DSense project team leader representing the University of Eastern Finland, holds two seminars on nanoparticles at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering of the University of Cassino, on the topics:
1_ Electromagnetic perfect absorbers: 2D vs 3D geometry
2_ Composite materials filled with carbon nano- and micro-inclusions: modeling and experiment
Polina Kuzhir is a senior researcher and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in the Institute of Photonics, University of Eastern Finland and the Head of Nanoelectromagnetics lab at the Belarusian State University. She is an internationally recognized expert in the field of graphene/2D materials, theoretical and experimental photonics. Her research focuses on theory and experimental validation of 2D materials-based passive and active devices, including detectors, filters, shields, polarizers, collimators and emitters.
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1. Seminar_EM_absorbers_Kuzhir_24_5_2021_2DSENSE
2. Seminar_composites_Kuzhir_25_5_2021_2DSENSE
PDF format
1. Seminar_Kuzhir_EM_absorbers_24_5_2021_2DSENSE
2. Seminar_Kuzhir_composites_25_5_2021_2DSENSE