The skills network

Sophisticated nanomembranes made accessible


A general goal of this project is also that of creating a stable international network of competencies on the project topics, joining together academic teams with complementary expertise on materials, devices, modelling, and characterization, and industrial end-users. Specifically, the project involves 2 teams, 2 partners and 3 end-users. 

The Partner Country team (UEF, Finland) retain the know-how and the facilities for the nanomaterials synthesis. 

The NATO team (CREATE, Italy) has the expertise in applied electronics and electromagnetics, for modelling, designing, fabricating and validating the sensor. 

Two collaborations are also established with two Italian research units at University of Tor Vergata (electrochemical sensing) and at INFN Frascati (nanomaterials).  

The end-users are Italian Companies involved in the market of defence and/or aerospace, and will drive and support the project in view of its potential industrial applications. The end-user SENSICHIPS will make available its commercial sensing platform for the demonstrator. The end-user ARESCOSMO will provide support for validation, with special emphasis on the warfare agents detection. The end-user NANESA will give support on the fabrication and characterization of the nanomembranes.

The research network

The Research Consortium for Energy and Technology Application of Electromagnetics (CREATE) is a no-profit research organization which groups several Italian public Universities, which share human resources and technical facilities for joint researchs in the field of energy and applied electromagnetics. 

University team belongs to the Institute of Photonics at the Department of Physics and Mathematics that has recently emerged as a leading research centre in the field of nanooptics and nanophotonics in Finland. The team is involved in the research projects funded by the European Union, Academy of Finland, Business Finland and other domestic funding bodies.

Wo We Are

CREATE Consortium

Naples, Italy

University of Eastern Finland

Joensuu – Kuopio, Finland

Are you interested in the aims of this project?

The aims and results of this project are shown in the pages of this site, but if you want more information, please contact us.